Reliable & Professional Plumbing Services

 You can trust our technicians to understand your needs! 

About Us

Reliable Professionals

 LOS Plumbing Company, LLC is a full-service plumbing company that specializes in a variety of plumbing services for commercial and residential properties including, but not limited to,  performing all types of plumbing repairs and installations, including installing new fixtures, replacing faucets and toilets, repairing and replacing water heaters and drain cleaning. We are a local company with over 35 years of experience in the plumbing industry serving Houston and surrounding areas. We are dedicated to creating reliable, reasonable and honest plumbing service to fulfill the needs of our customers. We are fully insured and have a staff of licensed and experienced technicians. 

Guaranteed Quality

We aim to provide the best services because we care about our name and reputation. We provide our customers with confidence and peace of mind by ensuring quality workmanship and doing what we say we will do.  We warranty our work and are quick to deal with any issues that may arise.  

Why Choose LOS Plumbing Company, LLC?

Any plumber can fix a leak or clear a drain, but no company can give you a more genuine commitment to a positive experience than we can.  Plumbing is an investment, whether that is in new construction, replacement fixtures, or commercial endeavors. We are dedicated to professionalism and quality in the plumbing business. Our goal is to not only make sure the work performed is up to the highest standards, but that the customer experience is a great one.